
Jeanette spent so much of her valuable time with me. She taught me how to help myself, find myself, and grow as a person. Most of my life I have held onto outdated, inaccurate, convoluted thoughts, ideas, and even some beliefs. With her help, I came to better understand who I want to be, how I want to see the world, and how I want to represent myself to those I come in contact with professionally and personally. I am a more positive person and am more willing to live life fully. I am not afraid to try new things and am more willing to reconnect with my talents and abilities to teach and learn.
Jessica Shoemaker

I decided I need to tell the world about my recent discovery. I suffered, and yes I suffered, from PTSD with pseudoseizures. So I decided, what the heck, and called Jeanette. We chatted a couple of times and met via Messenger. We talked about my struggles and everyday life. After that we scheduled and had my session. I’m here to tell you all I have never felt so free. I have a completely different attitude and outlook on life!!!!! I have finally found “Me!!!” I have never been so happy in my whole life!!! I know a lot of people don’t believe in this sort of thing, but I’m here to tell you
IT’S REAL!!! Yes, I am healed by the grace of God!!! Jeanette Thompson does wonders!!!